On Today's Show:
The most powerful brand position is one rooted in TRUTH.
And one of the most successful brand developers in the world is Jennifer Sey. Her personal brand is a commitment to basic truth and a willingness to courageously stand up for those truths despite the risks. She demonstrated that as an elite gymnast who called out abusive coaching practices in 2008, a COVID lockdown critic in 2020 and now as a mentor and supporter of female athletes courageously standing up to the trans movement in high school and college sports.
I believe that a cultural movement is underfoot and that it is being led by women who resist trans-dominance.
The trans movement is inherently a male dominated, patriarchal movement cloaked in diversity and inclusion that seeks to establish total dominance over women with idea that men are better at EVERYTHING including being a woman itself.
4th Wave Feminism will be defined by the basic truths about what it means to be a woman and protecting womanhood from male appropriation. Jennifer Sey will go down in history as one of the leaders of this critical movement.
We will meet this amazing WOMAN today on the SJ Show!
Watch HERE: https://rumble.com/v6p4fvx-live-exclusive-with-jennifer-sey-meet-the-xx-xy-brand-ceo-supporting.html
Shannon’s Top Headlines February 2025, 2025
The XX-XY Commercial Defending Girls Sports That Broke Twitter: https://x.com/JenniferSey/status/1886200310148006093
Montana REJECTS Bitcoin Reserve: https://cointelegraph.com/news/montana-bitcoin-reserve-bill-fail-pass-in-house
BASIC Vaccine Exemption Bill CRUSHED in South Dakota: https://southdakotasearchlight.com/briefs/vaccine-conscience-exemption-bill-fails-in-sd-house/
“The Sack of Rome: Elon Musk’s Digital Coup” https://dailyclout.io/the-sack-of-rome-elon-musks-digital-coup/
Technocracy Rising: All The President’s Men: https://www.technocracy.news/technocracy-rising-all-the-presidents-men/
The Unstoppable Transactional Gold Movement is the Only Solution: https://x.com/RMConservative/status/1893001228386476114
SJ Show Notes
Learn more about Jennifer Sey HERE: https://www.seyeverything.com
Check out XX-XY Athletic Gear HERE: https://www.xx-xyathletics.com
Get your tickets for the Summit for Truth on March 29 HERE:
Please support Shannon’s independent network with your donation HERE:
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